Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Axe Effect

DAY 1:

Unaware of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm the perpetual troop of “ANTi Snacks Force” is on parade over Asif’s wall starting from switch board to the hanger aperture. Not having any weapons to massacre this troop Asif gets exasperated.

I, known for my out of box thinking (By the way have you ever wondered what is inside the box?), gave him a terrific idea of using AXE body spray as mass destruction weapon to carnage this troop.

It just worked.

All Ants looked as if they are boozed up. Their disciplined path is scattered. They don’t know where they are going neither do they have energy to move. Some more minutes they experience vertical fall from the wall to the floor of about 5ft’s, exactly like the hot babes in AXE advertisement falling for some cholle guys.

It just worked.

DAY 2:

There is a more closely packed bigger troop of “ANTi Snacks Force” marching over the wall singing a song from movie Gulaal.

I Guess AXE is reason for the considerable growth in the population of ANTS over Asif’s Wall. AXE just worked. (Atleast for Ants, though that wasn’t the work I intended to achieve)

I remain,

the J.